Krystal is an Integrated Psychedelic Therapist, Intuitive Guide, Educator & Entrepreneur

Earth & Spirit Medicine

Have you felt disconnected from your body & your heart, feeling disassociated, distracted, armored, numb & desire to come back home to your Self?

Are you seeking a natural, integrative treatment for depression & anxiety that goes to the root and nourishes you back to health?

Do you wish to trace the steps back to the ancestral seeds you carry in your body, the songs and gifts and power you behold in your deepest depths?

If you answer yes to any of these questions above, I am here to hold you in a journey of alchemy, transformation, deep feeling, embodiment, and watering the seeds of who you truly are.

I am here to serve as your doula as you…

Re-member &

Transmute the imprints and wounds you came here with into the pearl of power that they are.

Get the integrated support you need in creating the life you know you deserve.

I’m here to support you with…

  • Trauma & PTSD Coaching

    Combining Internal Family Systems with Trauma Integration Work & Somatic-Centered Coaching, we can start to help you build more resilience & capacity within your nervous system.

  • Plant Medicine & Ceremony

    If you have felt called to the plant medicine path and ceremony and want support in preparation, integration and holding space for you in ceremony, lets work together.

  • Natural Depression & Anxiety Support

    Including the use of gentle entheogens, supplements, coaching and dietary explorations, we create an integratedprotocol together to start to resolve your depression & anxiety symptoms immediately.

  • Energetic Cleansing, Purging & Repair

    With the use of tobacco cleansing and other shamanic and energy tools, we can clear and resolve issues of the energy body such as nightmares, entities, psychic hooks & soul fragmentation.

  • Emotional Alchemy

    If you are needing a doula to support you through the birthing canal of big life passages and transitions, allow me to support you in finding your center, firmness, strength and alchemize the pain into your path.

  • Embodiment & Grounding Support

    Instead of choosing do disassociate, escape, and protect, we can work together to enter into the innermost parts of your being & liberate your repressed emotions and unspoken truths.

Internal Family Systems

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a non-pathologising, transformative model of psychotherapy that helps us identify different “parts” and aspects of ourselves in an integrated way as well as empowering us to identify our “Self” (our inner awareness).

Learn more about IFS.

The foundations of our work together

Curious about the kind of ground we’ll cover during our journey together?

Transpersonal Psychology

Transpersonal Psychology can be defined as “going beyond or transcending the individual, ego, self, the personal, personality, or personal identity; existence of a deeper, true, or ‘authentic self’” and attempts to bridge or integrate transcendental experiences, the body, the soul, and modern psychology.

Learn about Transpersonal Psychology.

Matriarchal Wisdom

Matriarchal Wisdom is centered around remembering and honoring the past wisdom of our elders, and choosing to make it a part of the future. This creates a cycle-based, body-centered, integrative approach to your healing path.

Read this powerful piece on matriarchal healing.

Psychedelic Therapy

Through marrying elements of modern day therapy with indigenous traditions, working with plant allies can become a beautiful journey of recovery from Depression, Anxiety, PTSD & C-PTSD, as well as other symptoms of trauma.

Learn more about Psychedelic Therapy.

What Clients are Saying

"Krystal is a catalyst for growth and a reservoir of feminine wisdom."

- Steve Broes

About Krystal

Krystal Penrose is the Co-Founder of Kokoleka Collective, where she serves her mission of the re-emergence and re-membering of the ancestral and matriarchal, Earth and heart based ways of living and serving.

She is dedicated to protecting and upholding the ancestral wisdom of cacao and other medicines, and pilgrimages regularly to Central & South America to continue building bridges between this wisdom and the modern world.

In addition, she has created Earth & Spirit Medicine, where she weaves Transpersonal Psychology, Ancestral teachings, Plant & Mycelial Wisdom, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Trauma Recovery work as well as Preparation & Integration into her 1-on-1, group, ceremony and retreat containers.

She was born in Detroit and is currently based on Kaua'i, Hawaii, and has been traveling extensively internationally for the last 15 years.

Get in Touch!

Schedule a free 1:1 introductory session with me and let’s see what you are currently weaving in your life and how I can support you through this cycle.

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